7 Latest trends in kitchen renovation for a luxurious look.
All families have a space in our homes where we love to gather at least once a day. There is no room more cosy than your kitchen which has warm food served on neat benchtops.
A neat kitchen is a lot of work but with these latest trends and tweaks to your existing cookhouse, if incorporated in your next renovation, can not only give you ample empty space but also make your remodelled eat-in look fancier.
1. Induction cooktops:
These energy efficient induction cooktops, a common sight in European homes and restaurants, are making their entry in Australian homes. Not only do they give better temperature control to the cook, it’s easy to clean and gives a sleek sophisticated look to your kitchen.
2. Cutting board over garbage disposal:
This simple tweak at the time of renovating kitchen can pay well for a long time. Placing your chopping board next to the garbage disposal unit saves your time and effort plus is a novel idea in the kitchen refurbishing.
3. Hidden sponge storage in front of the sink:
Sponges, even those which are new, are an unpleasant sight. Why not have a small drawer in the front of the sink to hide when you don’t need them. This keeps your kitchen looking hygienic at the same time allocating a neat and defined space for sponges and wipes.
4. Built-in Kitchen-towel crate:
In a busy kitchen, maintaining your kitchen towel as new is practically impossible. Thrown on the kitchen slab or hung on over door spoils the look of even the most luxuriously designed cooking spaces. Include a built-in crate to hang your kitchen towel.
5. Walk-in pantry:
Always handy to have, a walk in pantry is a convenient place to preserve your bulk-bought spices, homemade chutneys and jams as much as it is to store the cookbooks, seldom used platters and fine china.
6. Pop up box for knives:
A safe and convenient way to store knives is to have a pop-up box in the slab in your cooking area. Such pop-ups work well even for boxes of herbs and spices.
7. Extra storage for drawers:
Make the most of every inch of wall space which can be used for storage. Have deep and robust storage drawers to house everything from kitchen towel rolls to dishes and cooking utensils.